Thursday 22 September 2016

Film: short film analysis 'a. Friend"

1 comment:

  1. Rajveer, I do like what you've done and you have considered some of the features in some detail but as it is we have to watch the whole film in order to see your analysis. Can I suggest the following: provide an overview of the film - plot, characters, setting, production info etc, and then just edit it so that you have the key scenes you are focusing on only and then your comments.
    Keep an eye on your articles - 'an' is needed when you are following with a word that begins with a vowel - 'an introduction' for example instead of 'a introduction'.
    You identify the key camera shots and editing techniques but more is needed in terms of why they are used - 'This is supported by the close up of the decision...although this jumps' - consider why the close up is useful here and why the jump is effective. What does it allow us as the audience to see/feel/understand?
    'The use of sound develops tension' - more needed - what sound? Why/how does it create tension? Be more specific with labelling your types of sound.
    Awkward phrasing 'making the audience be at the edge of their seat', 'The audience would be most tense and clenching their jaws', 'This creates the movie to have a slasher effect.'
    You need to consider editing techniques in more detail - go back over your Year 12 notes on this if you are unsure.
