Sunday 1 January 2017

Film: Mise En Scene- Preparation

In this image you can identify that we use fake blood in order to create the effect someone had been murdered in this house, a hand was used as the audience can easily identify that this is a human hand. The significance of a human hand is that it is frightening to believe that another human has been murdered which brings tension in the specific scene.

Blood is equally spread over the sink to create the effect that there was a sense of instability involved with the victim and too emphasise how much blood was lost which makes the murder appear more tense.

We wanted the murder to feel real and have connection with other murders in order to build suspense and build up to the final possession of the boy. The newspaper articles are all different murders but all have some sort of connection, the fact they are covered in blood adds to the tension of the stories.

The glass cup was also covered in blood, we done this as in horror movies we identified there were always wine glasses laying around, therefore as I was in charge of props I felt it was key to use the vintage wine glass to create suspense and build up.

Here you can identify that a weapon is been placed in the area of the blood location, this is because we felt it was a good idea to add a tool that could result in this sort of damage.

The splattered blood suggest that someone was brutally murdered in order for it to be spread in such a way.

1 comment:

  1. Good Rajveer, you have upload aspects of your process and made comments about how and why these will be used in your film.
    Try and make some comments on the setting, the house and in particular the kitchen. How will you use this and why have you decided to use this particular setting?
