Sunday 15 January 2017

Poster: Research (Non-Genre specific)


  1. WWW - A detailed analysis of both posters Rajveer. You successfully analyse key features used and you examine how they convey meaning. You consider colour and image in detail and you show an awareness of how the genre is presented.
    EBI - You need to proofread your work and amend errors in your writing.
    I would also like to see a little more consideration of the image, particularly in the Notebook. Consider the positioning of the characters and the relationship that is evident though the way they are interacting with each other. Consider the rain in more detail - relate this to the spontaneity and passion that is being expressed. Consider the aspects of the mark scheme we looked at last week - how have certain skills been used?
    Consider the strap line on Grown Ups in more detail - some longer than others...what is being suggested here?
    Consider the positioning of the features on the posters - the order and organisation and effects achieved.

  2. Where is your overall evaluation on this? What are the patterns and key conventions you have identified? Similarities and differences?
