Wednesday 8 March 2017

Poster: Editing for first draft

To start I added a black rectangle rather than a background colour as I could create effects on the rectangle such as make use of the gradient tool.

With my chosen image I made use of various tools, firstly the crop tool to get the image to size I wanted and then I used the magic wand and eraser tool to remove any unnecessary areas as I wanted the image to blend into the background.

At this point a image of the time has been screenshot and placed on the bottom left of the poster. This convention is from movies such as a paranormal activity which display CCTV footage with time frames.

Now the credits and release date have been added. The release date is in a different colour to highlight more attention. The colour selector tool was used to make the text the exact tone of red that I wanted.

The title highlights the word 'HER', this feature has no meaning although playing around with conventions, I felt this is an interesting technique that some posters use. The font was gathered from a free font website which I then downloaded to me I7 Dell laptops desktop to use from my adobe Photoshop.

The image of the hand has been inserted as it represents trying to escape although you cant. The hand was initially black which I then used the magic wand tool to highlight and change the colour. Secondly, at the top of the poster added the names of already successful films and used a digital type font. The reason for the highlighting of red as when audience see the names of the films they know it will be a good film.

To finalise this draft, I added a 15 age rating icon on the bottom right of the page as it is a common convention on movie posters.

1 comment:

  1. Rajveer, I can see that you have tried to show us the process but a number of screen shots is not particularly helpful. You need comments explaining what you are doing and how you are doing it.
    There also seems to be a lot of the process missing. This is demonstrating how you have put the draft together but you need to show evidence that you have considered different ideas and evidence of you testing ideas with your target market. Your image for example, why did you decide to use that image? Were there other images that you considered? Why that strap line? Why those colours? Why that background? All of these decisions need to be evident on the blog.
