Wednesday 22 March 2017

Poster:My Opinion using camtasia

Poster: Specific target audience feedback on poster decision (Social Media)

This is the question that I asked to each of my target audience. As you can see this on a social media platform named Snapchat which allowed me to diverse the way I ask my target audience.

-Links well with film
-Effective title (Links with genre)
-Red links with horror
-The photo of the cloaked entity is scary.

-The first poster is the one I decided to use after the target audience feedback.

Saturday 18 March 2017

Poster: Final poster image manipulation

This is the first image I began with, without any editing. I took the photograph on a apple I phone 7.

To begin with I used the magic wand tool. The purpose of using this tool was to remove the background from the entity as I wanted to create my own background.

This is the image after the background was removed.

Now I'm creating my background, I used the gradient tool. The gradient tool allowed me to create a blood stream dripping off the wall. This was perfect as blood was used constantly throughout my movie.

I then added a black rectangle however reduced the opacity and fill of the image. This allowed the image to be see through and can see the stream of blood behind the rectangle.

Too finalise, I added a red photo filter. This made everything upon the page have a hint of red.

This is the final background and front image together that I will be using for the main film poster.

Friday 10 March 2017

Poster: potential front images

This was the first potential image that I could've used for my poster image, this is because within the movie this is the first indication within the house that something bad has occurred due to the blood splatter. However I wanted to avoid using this image as I felt as if I didn't tie in with the horror sub genre; paranormal. Although this image does portray a key scene within the movie.

This is the second image that I decided would use for movie was a close up of the possessed character, the mise en scene in regard to the way the character is being presented, e.g. black eyes (make up) and facial expression.

This is the third image that was used in all of my first three drafts, after some consideration I didn't feel the image created enough tension. The image is good as it is a key scene within the movie. The lighting is low key and the camera shot is a long shot from which we can see the whole body of the main character within the film. Furthermore you can identify the cross which has religious symbolism. This is a key feature within our film as it creates more tension in the sense of making the film seem more real.

This is the demonic presence within our movie, to create the image we asked the boy under the cloak to open his mouth and close his eyes. This image successfully conveys the possession feel as it creates the fear of the unknown as we know it isn't a human by the facial expression created. However in this in image it can be easily seen that someone is holding the cloak from behind.

Following the same conventions as the image about however in this image you are unable to identify that anybody is holding the cloak from behind.

Wednesday 8 March 2017

Poster: Horror poster Draft 2

Poster: Editing for first draft

To start I added a black rectangle rather than a background colour as I could create effects on the rectangle such as make use of the gradient tool.

With my chosen image I made use of various tools, firstly the crop tool to get the image to size I wanted and then I used the magic wand and eraser tool to remove any unnecessary areas as I wanted the image to blend into the background.

At this point a image of the time has been screenshot and placed on the bottom left of the poster. This convention is from movies such as a paranormal activity which display CCTV footage with time frames.

Now the credits and release date have been added. The release date is in a different colour to highlight more attention. The colour selector tool was used to make the text the exact tone of red that I wanted.

The title highlights the word 'HER', this feature has no meaning although playing around with conventions, I felt this is an interesting technique that some posters use. The font was gathered from a free font website which I then downloaded to me I7 Dell laptops desktop to use from my adobe Photoshop.

The image of the hand has been inserted as it represents trying to escape although you cant. The hand was initially black which I then used the magic wand tool to highlight and change the colour. Secondly, at the top of the poster added the names of already successful films and used a digital type font. The reason for the highlighting of red as when audience see the names of the films they know it will be a good film.

To finalise this draft, I added a 15 age rating icon on the bottom right of the page as it is a common convention on movie posters.

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Poster: First Poster Draft

This is my first attempt at creating a poster, to begin with I chose to go with a black background. This is because black is a common colour used in the horror genre as we tend to develop a sense of fear more from darker colours than light. Secondly, the title I chose to use in my first attempt is the digital effect. This is because its simplicity created more tension as the reader is less able to understand the meaning behind it. To give the idea of our story I used the lets H, E and R to create reading behind the lines where the audience understand a bit about the story. Furthermore, I chose to add credits as well as a sentence that the film was produced by the same directors of successful movies.

Poster: Development- Title Decesions

The film name decided was 'The Possession', After considering the conventions of current horror posters my aim was to find a similar title design as to those of my genre. Although I wanted to be diverse with my trials as I felt I wanted it to be distinctive why I chose the title I did.
This is the first title, as you can see does appear to look like a horror title although it seems to have an effect of dripping blood although this tends to be more common across slasher type movies. Therefore, I decided this would not be the horror title to use as it didn't portray the image I wanted to create.

This is the title that I decided to go for, as you can see the title is deteriorating creating the effect that the story is broken, I feel this is significant as the story within the movie ends on a cliff hanger which ties in with the idea that the story is deteriorated. Furthermore it has the effect that the title has been drawn on with blood by hand, this further links to the hand prints of blood within the movie.

This title has a digital effect, I favoured this font as it had the appearance of a digital appeared similar to the timing shown on a cctv image, this is significant as in previous successful horrors such as paranormal activity a lot of emphasis was placed on the cctv camera shots. However the title does not appear scary therefore I believed it would be best suitable to use for text elsewhere upon the page.

This Title was not chosen as the features conveyed the wrong message, one of such was that it looked too curved for a horror movie and secondly it seemed to cartoon based. This allowed me to decide that this will not be the chosen title that I decide to use for my horror poster.

This is a more clown or circus based title although I felt to trial each type to see which fit best alongside my film and chosen image and I decided this didn't follow any of my conventions.