Friday 21 April 2017

Review: Potential Final draft Review

This is my potential final poster review, after a final check from both my specific target audience and teacher will it be uploaded as my final film review draft.

Thursday 20 April 2017

Review: Horror film alternative double page spread (Negative film review)

After feedback from both specific target audience and teachers, my first decision was to change to a double page spread and secondly was to become a negative rather than positive review. This allowed me to use language tools such as rhetorical questions, speech, short and long sentences and alliteration more often. Furthermore, I inserted more images and spaced out my work.

-Language is more effective.
-Title much more identifiable
-Sub-heading eye-catching

-Spelling errors

Wednesday 19 April 2017

Review: First attempt at single page review

WWW. (Teacher)
- The use of the mirror effect on the R is well done.
- Link between the image and text is done well.
- Language skills such as alliteration very well done.

-For my first attempt, I felt that a single page positive review is the best way although I was told that the text appears to overwhelm everything else upon the single page review. For this reason a double page review may be a better option.
-Secondly the title of the film is not large enough to be seen.

Monday 3 April 2017

Review: Potential images

The first image that I could use upon my short horror film review is this blood splattered image of a letter. Why this letter? firstly this is a key scene within the movie as it is the first scene that displays the element of blood and secondly the fact the image has a red filtered effect as well as a small element of blur makes the audience feel a tad tense. Although it could be questioned that the image is too representative of a slasher sub-genre movie rather than a paranormal movie. Secondly the image has little clue of what lies ahead and for that reason I don't feel it is very effective.

The second image that I could've potentially used upon my horror review is the scene where blood was splattered all upon the cupboards. What could the audience assume? The audience may have get the feeling that someone has be
en brutally murdered as well as the feel something bad has happen to someone. Although similarly to the first image, it can be easily assumed that this image is for a slasher type movie. For this reason, this photo may not be as effective as a film review image.

This is the third image, in this image the entity can be identified and is sculpted in such a way that it appears to be of human form although we know by this time its not the case. The image is effective as can be portray that an entity is behind the murders. As you can see one of the characters has come into contact with the entity which makes it a perfect image as the audience question the 'what happens next?' factor.

This was the third potential image. This image is the first sight of the entity, as you can see at this point its just a floating cloth although it makes the audience think whats underneath? at the point the audience can make connections with the streams of blood spread across the house. This makes the image leave the audience feeling tension as you can assume that it is behind all the murders however the image doesn't seem scary and to some it could just look like a prank from one of the boys.