Tuesday 25 April 2017

Evaluation- Question 1 (Prezi)

1 comment:

  1. Rajveer, you need to be much more specific with your examples. It's not enough to just state that I found this convention and I used it. I want to know exactly where you found the convention and how it was used in the original situation - you will need to go back to your research and find evidence of where you have picked this convention out and commented on how it was used. You then need to screen shot exactly where and how you have used it in your product and explain the effects it achieved for you.
    The idea here is that the work you have already done, identifying and analysing the conventions, has already been done so you simply need to go back and find it and screen shot it.
    The only new comment you really need to make here is how you then used it in your own product, although again, if you drafted appropriately and included comments about which features you were using and why you were using them, then this should have already been done too.
    I want specific examples of where you found these conventions and how you then used and adapted them, and I want to see it, not read about it.
    With reference to conventions you didn't use and ideas that were original, again I want to see them not read about them.
    How did the colour blue make it look like a television? Where exactly did you see this being used?
    Some of what you have written doesn't make grammatical sense; keep an eye on this.
